Monday, 26 March 2018

DTCP directs Ardee City developer to build infra before April or hand over land

GURUGRAM: The department of town and country planning (DTCP) has directed the developer of Sector 52-based Ardee City to construct basic community facilities before April or be ready to hand over the land earmarked for the same to the government.

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The department shot off a notice to developer Ardee Infrastructure Private Limited in this regard on January 18 after residents poured their ire on the CM Window, complaining about non-availability of community facilities such as school, dispensary, shopping centre, place of worship and infrastructure like road, sewer and PNG gas lines.

Spread over 200 acres, Ardee City — with more than 2,800 units and group housing flats that collectively house around 20,000 people — was developed in 2002. However, even after so many years and repeated complaints, the residents are still waiting for the community facilities that were promised in the project plan.

Under Section 3(3)(a)(iv) of the Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act 1975, the developer is liable to construct school, hospital, community centre and other community building or get them constructed by any other agency or individual contractor on the land earmarked for them within the specified time. Either way, the cost of construction is to be borne by the developer. Failing to do so, the government can take over the land earmarked for such facilities for free and, subsequently, may transfer it to a person, institution or local authority for building the infrastructures mentioned above.

In fact, last year, the state government also amended the rule to fix a deadline for private developers to complete such facilities. Officials said as per the amended rule, developers of plotted colonies, which had received licence before 2012, had to build these community facilities within a period of four years (by 2016), extendable by another two years.

Vice-president, Ardee Infrastructure, said they were waiting for the approval of the zoning plan. “As soon as we get the approval from the department concerned, we will start construction for community and religious sites,” he said, adding that as a company policy, they would not do anything without a necessary approval. He also criticised the residents for filing such complaints and wasting time of the government.

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