Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Ardee City residents in Gurugram say no to new power meters

GURUGRAM: Hundreds of angry residents of Adree City in Sector 52, on Saturday, protested against the recent decision of the builder to replace their postpaid power meters and install prepaid ones without their consent — a move, they suspect, will allow the latter to charge fees exceeding the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission’s (HERC) mandated tariff rate.

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Residents said they noticed this “surreptitious activity” by Adree Infrastructure Pvt Ltd last week, following which they raised a hue and cry, which culminated into the protest on Saturday. Residents started gathering in front of the main office of the Ardee management near Gate No 1 of the society from 11am, and the number soon increased to hundreds. “The builder is changing the meters without our consent,” said Praveen Yadav, president of Ardee City RWA.

Yadav said the builder was replacing the old meters with those enabling them to make payments through prepaid mode without their consent. “The builder wants to levy illegal charges through a prepaid meter. As per HERC guidelines, it is clearly written that such meters should be changed only if the consumer opts for it,” he said.

Prepaid meters work in the same way as prepaid SIM cards. Consumers have to pay a specific amount in advance, which reflects in their meters and exhausts progressively with the number of units consumed. Users get periodic notifications about the units consumed and remaining units so that they can recharge before power is cut.

Residents said HERC officials visiting the society in December last year had advised the residents to file a petition against such a ‘capitation charge’ as it wasn’t complying with HERC guidelines. “Even HERC agreed it’s illegal. Previously, they used to mint extra charges in the name of transmission and distribution losses, but eventually DHBVN sent a stinging letter saying such charges are already incorporated in the bills. We have a single point connection, which means DHBVN doesn’t give electricity directly to us, but to the builder, who further distributes it to residents,” said Chaitali Mandhotra, another resident.

In the letter to the builder, which is in possession of TOI, the discom in May earlier this year wrote: “The distribution licensee shall not charge a tariff in excess of the tariff determined by the Commission.” The letter further warned that if any distribution licensee recovers a price or charge at a rate exceeding the tariff determined under the regulations, it shall be liable to penalties. “Since the residents are not paying illegal charges added to the electricity bill, the builder has resorted to cheap tactics by disconnecting power. When asked to fix the problem, they are coercing residents to pay the charges,” said Ardee RWA general secretary Nehal Mandhotra.

Anil Hasija, vice-president of Ardee Infrastructure, did not take calls despite repeated attempts. General manager Chandan Lakhanpal listened to the queries we raised before hanging up the phone and not responding to further calls.

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