Friday, 1 June 2018

HUDA blacklist architects for forging photographs for completion certificate

GURUGRAM: The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has blacklisted three architects for forging and submitting wrong information while applying for completion certificate (CC). The move was aimed at checking corruption in granting CC by Huda, which has emerged as one of the major source of corruption in the department.

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The action was purportedly taken by the Estate officer while checking the files submitted to him by survey branch for approval. It was found that the architects had submitted morphed photographs of the sites showing them complete in all respect while a special team so constituted by the estate office found the same to the contrary on spot inspection. “Inquiry has been marked into the matter and will call for explanation of the concerned officials of the survey branch and necessary departmental action along with criminal proceedings shall be initiated post an enquiry,” said estate officer-II of Huda Vivek Kalia.

People having plots in HUDA sectors have to take CC from authority after completing construction. Getting CC is mandatory to get services like water, sewerage and power connection. In January 2017 Huda made it mandatory for all kinds of plots—residential, commercial and institutional to complete construction of minimum of 50% of ground coverage and gets CC. Failing to get CC in stipulated time Huda will automatically start charging the penalty as extension fee.

In most of the cases people submit forged photograph to get CC by greasing the palms of Huda officials. With the jurisdiction over sectors 23-80 were most of the construction activities are in progress, estate office-II of Huda Gurgaon has emerged as powerhouse amongst all the estates offices of authority in Haryana and thus a natural ground for touts and middle men. On increasing irregularities in granting CC, Kalia said initiatives are being taken to re-structure the entire processes of HUDA and probable solutions have already been proposed by his office to the headquarters and shall be introduced shortly. “Reliance on information technology and absolute or limited manual interface can cut down on wrongdoing which often we hear on a daily basis.

Besides, the onus is also on the citizenry to report such matters to senior officials of HUDA or on other such online grievances portal so made available to them in case of any issue,” said Kalia urging people to approach senior officials in case they face problem. He further states that a special whatsapp number monitored by the Vigilance branch of HUDA shall be introduced this week wherein applicants/individuals can lodge formal complaints of any official or non-official persons while dealing with Estate Office of HUDA.

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