Sunday, 24 June 2018

Realty cases against Aliens, Lodha, Mantri, others pile up at Telangana state commission.

It's raining complaints from home buyers at the Telangana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. At least so it seems from the official records, which suggest that close to 200 such cases have been filed with the commission in the last one year alone between June 2014 and June 2015.

Prominent builders that find themselves on this list of'accused', include Aliens Group, Lodha Group, Aditya Constructions, Mantri Developers, Lanco Hills, Janapriya, Royal Home Constructions, among many others. Given the ongoing turmoil on the premises of the Tellapur-based Aliens Space Station-I venture, it comes as no surprise that the maximum complaints, i.e. 115, lodged so far are against it.

Cheated Buyers

"Most of these complaints are with regard to an inordinate delay in completing the projects," confirmed an official from the state's consumer affairs, food and civil supplies department, of which the commission is a part. He also added that the numbers are fast increasing with every passing day.

Unfortunately, however, there seems to be no immediate respite in sight for these customers who have been running from pillar to post to recover either their properties or lump sum deposits. This, as the Telangana state commission  even after a lapse of eight months since its separation from the Andhra Pradesh wing is yet to get a president to head its day-to-day affairs. Result, piling of files with no one to attend to.

"It is frustrating to say the least. With the developer not paying heed to our concerns and the government too not intervening in the matter, we have no place to go to for help," said Prashanth V, an aggrieved customer of Aliens Group, while ruing the critical situation facing scores of home buyers who have been left with no choice but to pay hefty EMIs as banks too have refused to cooperate. The tragedy: zero guarantee of a home at the end of the road.

Incidentally, the Telangana government has failed to appoint a president, despite orders from the Hyderabad High Court.

"Our sources tell us that the realty mafia is hand-in-glove with the government in delaying the appointment," said another home buyer on condition of anonymity, adding,"They are waiting for the sector to revive before their cases can come up for hearing before the commission."

While the commissioner of consumer affairs, food & civil supplies, Rajat Kumar, refused to react to these allegations, he did admit to an unprecedented delay in the appointment of the president."There is no denying that. But there are three district consumer forums in the city, so it isn't like there is a major delay in hearing of cases. We are hopeful that the appointment issue will be resolved in the next one month," he said.

Times view: The government should immediately appoint a new president at the earliest considering that the redressal forum is imperative to resolve the grievances of the common man. Apart from Real Estate-related matters there are several other cases, which need speedy disposal.

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